In accepting this, I've now to follow these 4 steps:-
1 - Make a post linking to the person who gave the award!
2 - Share 7 random things about yourself
3 – Award 7 recently discovered bloggers with this award
4 – Contact these bloggers and tell them they’ve won the award
Now for 7 random things about me...
1. I love peanut butter and chocolate together - hate that I can rarely find any Reeses here in Oz!
2. I can speak Spanish and French (not perfect), and have basic understandings of German, Dutch, Italian.
3. I desperately want to travel the UK, and Europe.
4. I've seen much of outback Australia, and western Canada by motorcycle.
5. I am fascinated by my family tree and history, and the lifestories that have been shared with me.
6. I hate mobile phones - okay a useful item, but intrusive, annoying, and I still have to carry one!
7. I love being by the sea, but don't like swimming in it.
I'm sharing this award with these ladies because their creations are awesome, and they are full of inspiration, go check out their blogs.... you'll see!
Alison Carolyn Claire Meera Marilyn Marion Jan
Thanks Patricia!

5 cared to share!:
Hi Pauline! Thanks for the award, it was fun to read the 7 things about you. Hugs, Jan
Oh Pauline, thanks a million for this blogger award you gave me! I'm so pleased and proud to get it from you! It was so fun to read about your 7 things. I really got to know you a bit better...
and now it's my turn! I will post it sunday!
Thanks again!!
Oh pauline, how amazing is this? You are so kind, thanks chic. I am over the moon to have such a 'stylish' award. So glad you felt I deserved it xxxx
Hugs Meera x
Thanks so much Pauline, how kind of you to think of me :-)
Its great to find a little more about you and if you ever visit the UK you'll have to call in for a coffee
Claire xx
Thanks so much Pauline! I feel honored...right now life is crazy! I hope to have a few minutes to get this done. I love reading about your 7 things!
Thanks again
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