Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mike Monster!

Heres a monster of an image for you from SNB for you .... Mike Monster is his name....  I love SNBs monster/creature images for little boys - especially when they can be monsters too!

Ingredients used: Purple CS (in matte & metallic), Cre8tiv DP, Purple dye ink, mini green rhinestones, sentiment sticker (unknown), and a big googly eye!

I had to use this deco paper to use with this image - the little critters remind me of both the Pacman ghosties and the little Space Invaders (showing my age in computer games here). I repeated the matt of paper on metallic card, as one layer didn't look enough. I also like the 'juxtaposition' of the one big monster, lots of little ones, and the sentiment sticker....

To colour Mike Monster, I tried something new (for me) ... I coloured the cardstock with ink (Direct To Paper) before I printed the digi image..... the ink gave a fuzzy but even coverage, which I like - of course I could have used purple flocking, but I'll use that next time! After trimming Mike, and adding some foam tape to mount him, I used a nice big goggly eye .... I'd have used little eyes on some of the wee monsters behind him, but out of 4 sizes, I didn't have any small enough!

I'm also entering him in the challenge over at My Time To Craft - this weeks challenge is Vivid Greeting Cards - I think he fits!

Thanks for looking!

hugs and blessings,

2 cared to share!:

Kathryn B said...

What an adorable one eyed people eater! Great job Pauline!

made by fifi said...

great card - love it - thanks for joining in MTTC challenge x